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Neuropsychological and Psychological Services

We are nationally recognized for our expertise in assessment of learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, brain trauma, and dementia. We are educators and researchers who are committed to important public health issues, such as youth violence, concussion in athletes, and care of our wounded military members.

Testing and Evaluation

Neuropsychological Testing

The neuropsychological evaluation is used to measure brain-behavior relationships and cognitive functioning to identify brain impairment, to assess learning, attention, and memory difficulties and to help create a treatment plan.

Bariatric and Spinal Cord Stimulator Testing

There are many surgical procedures, bariatric and spinal cord repair, which require a psychological evaluation of the patient prior to implementation. It is important that the patient has a clear understanding of the procedure and how it may affect them and their loved ones’ lives. We support patients in making the important changes and transitions that are required for positive, healthy outcomes.

Testing for Academic and Test Accommodations

When a student is experiencing significant learning, behavioral, or emotional difficulties in school that do not improve with regular school interventions, a comprehensive academic evaluation may be the solution. This also includes providing test accommodations on standardized testing, school or work qualification, and other entrance exams.

Psychological and Personality Testing

Psychological and Personality Testing is the administration of specific tests that measure abilities, behaviors, and emotional mood. It can assist in diagnosing psychological conditions to inform appropriate treatment planning. 


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach which is used by psychologists and therapists to help promote positive change in individuals, to help alleviate emotional distress, and to address a myriad of psycho/social/behavioral issues.

Cognitive Remediation for Brain Injury

Cognitive remediation, or rehabilitation, is the process of retraining or improving cognitive, brain functions. It is indicated in situations in which an individual has sustained brain dysfunction or injury resulting from a variety of circumstances. 

Psychotherapy for Anxiety, Depression, Loss, Trauma

Psychotherapy is grounded in dialogue, it provides a supportive environment that allows you to talk openly with someone who is objective, neutral and nonjudgmental.

Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching is a service that provides one to one assistance to students as they maneuver through their academic programs. 

Sports Concussion
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We assist athletes, families, schools, teams, athletic personnel, and health care providers with… Baseline and Concussion Testing, Return-to-Learn/Work/Play Decisions, Treatment of Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms.

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