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Academic Coaching


Academic Coaching is a service that provides one to one assistance to students as they maneuver through their academic programs. Persons who are experiencing difficulty achieving their academic goals, who believe they are performing less than optimally at school, who struggle with learning disorders or attention disorders, and/or who need support and structure in order to complete their academic work may benefit from academic coaching.


The student is paired with an academic coach to create a plan of action that includes identification of strengths and weaknesses and application of specific strategies and tasks in order to utilize strengths while remediating weaknesses.

Such strategies may include (but are not limited to) any of the following:

  • Training in organizational and planning skills;

  • Development of strategies to triage and prioritize work tasks;

  • Utilization of scheduling;

  • Task analysis;

  • Development of compensatory learning strategies;

  • Improvement in study habits;

  • Mnemonics and memory strategies;

  • Behavioral modification;

  • Stress management.


Prior to Academic Coaching services, the student should undergo a comprehensive evaluation to specifically document the student’s abilities, achievement skills, and learning style. At Princeton Neuropsychology at RSM, we believe the neuropsychologist is in an optimal position to serve as a coach and to translate the results of the evaluation into appropriate recommendations and a tailored plan of action.


It is extremely important that the student is motivated to engage in the coaching process and that the relationship between the coach and the student is a positive one. Development of rapport and trust are Job One in the coaching relationship that leads to academic success.

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